Train With Me

Do you love follow-along workout videos or the energy and motivation of a "class" environment?!

Empowered On-Demand was created for you! Come workout with the flock from the comfort of your own home!

With this subscription, you will have access to my exclusive Empowered On-Demand workout video library that is updated and growing on a regular basis.

The library provides hundreds of video workouts, and we are constantly creating new ones to keep you from avoiding fitness plateaus! The library includes routines that can easily be made more challenging for the advanced fitness levels, or modified for beginners.

Do I need equipment?

All of the workouts can be done at home with minimal equipment:

  • Dumbbells (ideally a light, moderate, and heavy set)

  • Step/bench/chair

  • Resistance bands (nice to have, but not a necessity. Both long + looping mini bands are great to have)

  • Kettlebell (Nice to have, but by no means required)

What type of workouts are included?

  • Upper Body

  • Legs/Lower Body

  • Fully Body

  • HIIT Cardio

  • Yoga

Q: I'm already signed up for one of your programs, do I need this?

A: If you're already a member of my VIP Advanced Coaching, or signed up for a session of The Empowered Method, you will have access to this library for the duration of your session via The Empowered Method, you don't need this subscription, you've already got access!

Purchase Empowered On Demand for $XX

After signing up, you will receive immediate access to our entire workout library, Empowered On Demand!

Please make note of your log in email and password.

Please note: This offering is for our workout library and does not include any type of coaching or nutrition consulting.

If you are already signed up for another program, The Empowered Method or VIP, the workout library is already included as a part of your investment.